
Card Game story

Side note- This was just a random offshoot, I'm not really sure where I was going with this. Don't ask questions about this one, I don't even know. After blood, this was a good change of pace.

The night was young, and the man across from me stared at me with a sort of burning ambition in his eyes. We had started a card game. I didn’t actually know how to play poker so the man suggested we play a simple game of war. We hadn’t been playing for too long before we realized our decks were at sort of an impasse.

“War’s not supposed to be this long” I said with a smirk.
“You know” The man responded “War always seems to surprise you. You never quite know.”
I leaned in
“Come on, just let me win” I whispered.
“Now way” he laughed “if I gave up that easy, I wouldn’t have even started.”
I flipped a 5, he flipped a 4.
“See? Things aren’t going your way. Might as well quit while you're ahead.”I said.
The room had a strong scent of smoke. It wasn’t that nice of place. I wondered why I had even came.
“Lost in thought?” He joked.
I realized he had already flipped his next card. I flipped a 1. His was a 7.
“You know, isn’t an ace supposed to be a good thing?” I asked.
“It would be if you knew how to play poker” He chuckled. “War isn’t essentially strategic. It’s all chance.”
“So then why are you so set on winning?” I asked.
“I’m too bored to lose.” He joked.
“Then why don’t we get out of here?” I asked.
“Too lazy to leave. Plus, I got to fill my quota of second hand smoke” He chuckled.
“You don’t smoke?” I asked.
“What, you see a lighter somewhere? What made you think that?” He asked
“You’re here. There are places around that don’t allow smoking.” I replied.
“Same old same old. No one there is as interesting as you anyway.” He said.
“Ugh. that line.” I laughed.
“Hey, cheese is good in moderation. Makes for a balanced diet.” He replied.
Realizing there was still a game to be played I flipped a card. It was a King.
“Ooohh. Beat that!” I challenged.
Before I could say anything else he flipped a king as well.
We both laughed for a good while.
“Now what?” I asked.
“Well what we’re supposed to do is draw 3 more cards, put them face down, and flip over the fourth card, I think. Something like that. And whoever wins gets all the cards.”
So we did just that.
“If I draw an ace-” I said.
“Hey” He said “Think positive.”
I flipped over my card. It was a two. I looked down in shock.
“My luck” I groaned.
He flipped over his card. It was an ace. His eyes widened. The table was silent for a while.
“Well, I guess aces are good.” I joked.
“Damn.” He said.”Next time, we’re playing poker.”
“Fine” I chuckled “but go buy me a drink. You gotta reward a draw like that.”

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