I will always be tweaking this blog to perfection. This change is entirely graphical. I added bezels, changed the title font, made the title explanation line white and bigger, made side text blue/green, and most importantly, made the title text imperceptibly smaller. Thank me later.
- And I edited the date text again.
The Spire Teaser
This is a story that I've been working on. It's not even really started yet, but... I hadn't posted in over a month. This is technically something of a vast rewrite of a previous prototype, which I could also post If anyone is curious to see it. Progress on Bargainworld Deluxe is moving along, but is getting more and more confusing, in terms of mood and theme. I used this as a break to do something more straightforward. I think If I really put a lot of effort into the spire, I'll make it a short novel. I don't think it can really last that long with the rather simplistic goal without a ton of filler. Anyway, the story:
Jas felt the dirt. It ran through his fingers. It was fine and powdery. Deeper, it had become more compacted over time.In another box he had some rocks he had found. He wondered how he had even found them, here. Had someone left them behind? Were they once part of some museum, or were they fresh from the surface. It was impossible to really tell. He had always been drawn to the earth. It’s texture and smell were far different than anything in the spire. Jas had the lingering suspicion that some other floor- only accessible by high ranked officials no doubt- was full of dirt and rocks. Maybe they even had green on them. He would fantasize about going up those large transparent elevators. But they were always locked. “Stay on your level” They would say. This just made him more curious.
The man in the same room finally broke the silence.
The Street
As he was walking through the cool night mist, he noticed something.
“You know” The man said to a person walking alongside him “There’s something here. It’s like us.”
The other person, a tall figure made more made more gargantuan by the darkness, turned around.
“What are you on about now?” The tall man replied with more than a tint of frustration in his voice.
“I’m just saying,” The man said quickly “this street- this city. Just look around- in what an hour or two ago was a bustling center of activity is now calm and quiet. It just fits.”
The tall man sighed and looked down at the mossy mosaic of sewer grates and bricks beneath him.
Updates 8/29
Yes, the blog has changed yet again. Now, we got a spiffy new background, and the comment system is significantly re-hauled. This has caused the comment system to be inaccurate, doubling the number shown on the page as to how many comments there are. The background will stay, but if people object to the new comment system I will change it back.
Card Fighter's Clash- The game I don't want to play- but still play.
I think in life we all have something we don't necessarily like, but do anyway, even if there is no point to doing so. Maybe it is re-watching a TV show you didn't even like much in the first place, but it's stayed in your mind the whole time. Or maybe it is something that fulfills an occasional need, but you still would do something else. Something productive. For me, Card Fighter's Clash is that. Now, this not a bad game- far from it. However, it is a game that can entrance into constantly grinding for cards. Trust me, If you want every little card, it is going to take you a LONG time. Luckily, I am not a completionist, so I don't need to worry about that sort of insanity, but I always have recurring stages of playing it. Card game grinding isn't fun. It isn't even really rewarding, And yet somewhere, deep in my brain something makes me keep doing it. No, I don't want to fight this person for the 50th time- ahh but I want MOAR CARDSSSS. Extremely fortunately for me, this game in particular came out BEFORE the days of paid dlc(downloadable content), so there is no temptation for paying money for what is essentially a sprite. I guess I should be thankful that the game just wants me to waste my time, not my money. I just wish it didn't waste so much. I know, I know, complaining about wanting to play a game is an incredibly lame thing... But... I'm going to anyway.
Food reviews
Longer title: A not very descriptive description of my opinions on various food items you may or may not find at your local supermarket.
All American Pie- Cherry
Mmmm... However, after eating 75% of the pie, the sheer amount of sugar made me feel sick.7/8/15
Anticipated Games for Late 2015/ Early 2016
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Image taken form Rice Digital's Website:http://www.ricedigital.co.uk/store/image/cache/data/multi-images/SG_PSVita_ESRB_2D43-500x500.jpg |
Man, my hype for this is LEGENDARY. I've been waiting for the vita version in particular to come out in the US, as the PC version is already out... *sigh*
More Changes
So I added a couple of things to the ol' blog. Most important is the sort of quick-reaction buttons after every post. I don't personally like that you you can see them on the main page as opposed to the individual post's page, but I can deal with it. Anyway, is that helpful? I think it's a lot better than doing polls to see what people like/want. The other change is a pages tab at the VERY bottom of the homepage. Since I can't bring old posts back to the main page, that will have to suffice for posts I want to edit often. Did you know I could put horoscopes on here if I wanted? I mean, it is random... OH, and I changed the terminology used in showing what date something was posted. If anyone actually noticed... You have problems.
Episode 13- FINALE??? Nah, probably not. Is 13 even a common ending number anyway?
Dante:”I kept using the word hotness.”
Ralph:”Like anyone was even paying attention anyway.”
Dante:”I was.”
Ralph:”That wasn’t what I meant… But yes, you are technically correct.”
Dante:”Your mom is technical.”
Ralph:”Stop making these jokes.”
Dante:”Stop setting yourself up for them.”
Ralph:”And how would I do that? Stop talking completely?”
Plans for July 2015
I'm listening( or I was until technical issues) to Odelay and man if schizophrenia was an album- But more importantly I have some announcements for july! The 13th, and possibly last episode of tangent is done and will be posted soon. I wasn't actually planning to end it there (the title was intended as a joke) but then I got bored of writing it. I could revive it for another season but... Nah. I've gone back to work Bargainworld DX, and I'm almost tempted to scratch that too and start over, but probably won't. As for any other content, YOU EXPECTED OTHER CONTENT? That game experience article was a one off. That's not happening again, despite positive reception. This blog is meant to be usually random in the funny way, not the intelligent way. See Tangent. But yeah, if there will be other content, it'll be new to me. I'm writing this at midnight, and i'm getting cheetos EVERYWHERE.
Width Edit!
So, I adjusted the width of the entire blog, which you might note has not been changed since the beginning. I personally think it is an improvement, BUT, if anyone has any objection, voice them here. Also, if you want the blog to be WIDER, also leave feedback. I won't be doing a poll like usual, because nobody sees the ones at the bottom of the page anyway. Plus, some people might be confused by the change. It is a pretty slight change- I didn't go CRAZY with it or anything. Oh, I am also considering changing the width of the sidebar, but that's way less important. I guess if you want you can voice any changes you would like to see here. I think the consensus last time was that the the color change was a good thing, but who knows? Opinions change, and I have a backup of the old color scheme just in case. Oh and as for future content, probably expect more Tangent, but that will NOT be the only thing I post (I mean, what would be random about that?). I don't have any real plans however... I'll come up with something.
Tangent Episodes 7-12
I guess we're just doing this in 6 episode chunks. Wonder how long that will last. Oh yeah, I got lazy about the name. Oh, and there will be no more episodes like 12. Don't worry. Well, I mean... you CAN worry... I'm not your boss.
Episode 7- Gambling with Narwhals
Ralph:”Hey, so-”
Ralph:”What, I thought this episode was gonna be Ralph-based…”
Dante:”Ew, why would we do an episode about vomit?”
Ralph:”Yeah sure. Anyway, how do even gauge hotness?”
Dante:”You wouldn't know your hotness level is negligible.”
Ralph:”That’s…. why I asked. You… aren’t very good at listening.”
Dante:”I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of my HOTNESS!”
Ralph:”New rule, you never say the word hotness after this episode.”
Ralph:”Sweet, so how do you up your heat level?”
Dante:”Hotness… isn’t heat related. There is no hope for you, Is there?”
Ralph:”Whatever, what do we do?
Dante:”That’s like asking ‘what is love?’- in that it’s only good when singing a 90’s techno song. Asking any other time only makes you look weird. We need to shave a cat.”
Ralph:”But I hate cats. That was literally my first character building statement.”
Dante:”Exactly, that’s why you aren’t hot.”
Dante:”SWEET! I’m done.”
Dante:”We have no narration remember? I can do ANYTHING!”
Dante:”To remind everyone that you aren’t even hot enough to bet the water temple.”
Dante:”Stop using multiple punctuations. I prefer zero-”
Ralph:”No. Not that reference. Not now. Not ever.”
Ralph:”We ended the last episode with a Dante aww. Not again.”
Ralph:”STOP IT!”
Two Dudes, Infinite Tangents Episodes 1-6
That title is still being worked out.
Episode 1- The Reckoning.
“Yo, I just got the BEST idea about what we should we be doing at 3 a.m.”
“Sleeping? Please?”
“Ha! N00b. We making a webcomic.”
“You missed something.”
“A BRAIN! We are in a story- meaning, you know, we are made of TEXT?”
“See, this is why you hate cats. You have no imagination.”
“No, I hate cats because they are DEMONIC FELINES FROM HELL!”
“And they scratched you. One time.”
“Shut it”
“What it? I thought you said we were TEXT?”
“Use your… white-out or something.”
OOOOOOLD! This being who you are led to believe is someone other than me is OLD!”
“I am someone other than you. My name is Ralph.”
“And I am Dante, because I am HOT as an inferno.”
“You never even read that book. Also he goes to hell. So I guess it IS fitting…”
“Aren’t we supposed to get one of those _ said things after our dialog bubbles?”
Stop use visual terms for our texty bodies. Also, eh, leave it for the editor.
“You didn’t even quotation marks that time.”
“Leave it for the editor.”
“You’re the editor.”
“Man you’ve been really quiet for the last five hours-justbelieveitwehavenoarrationanyway.”
“Leave it for the editor.”
“Yup. amneia.”
“You misspelled that word”
“You misspelled misspelled.”
“But… you spelled it exactly the same?”
“Google docs auto correct is trippy.”
“Use windows then.”
“And bow to the MAN? NEVER”
“Why not linux?”
“I would probably still use google docs. actually you can use it on windows too. What are you even?”
“Your mom.”
“Cook me dinner then.”
“Wow that was amazing bacon you cooked up.”
“No, i cooked you toast.”
“So do all surprises freeze time for 5 hours or-”
“Nah, I was just messing with you.”
“We ever gonna get a narrator?”
“Narrator’s suck. And by suck I mean they suck the money from my non-existent wallet.”
“If you had a narrator you could have a wallet.”
“If you had a mom you could have a cheeseburger.”
“Ouch man.”
“Man to your ouch.”
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life/ Thoughts and Experiences
Lately, I've been feeling nostalgic for some of the slower games of my childhood. The one that stands above all the others in my mind, without a doubt is Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life. However, discerning what made the game so special to me when I was younger isn't so much about the game but myself and what I was going through when I played it.
Promises, barely kept
I promised an E-reader review. I... am not going actually devote effort to that. The e-reader is weird, and you should only buy it if you meet the following criteria:
-You have a Game Boy Advance
- You have money to burn
- You have extreme patience
- You love to swipe cards thru a scanner
- You like technological failures.
-You like the following:
- Pokemon Card Game
-Animal crossing
- Rudimentary early NES games
The END.
-You have a Game Boy Advance
- You have money to burn
- You have extreme patience
- You love to swipe cards thru a scanner
- You like technological failures.
-You like the following:
- Pokemon Card Game
-Animal crossing
- Rudimentary early NES games
The END.
I don't even know
Another Random Story
So, Random blog... Got to keep it random.
This story is called "The Best 15 Minutes". Make of that what you will.
This story is called "The Best 15 Minutes". Make of that what you will.
“You know, I realize now why I rarely spend any time with your kind. You are all immensely boring.”
“Yes, that is exactly how you build communication. Insult everyone. You are a true genius.”
“See, you say that to be humorous, but it really all means nothing. Much like your existence.”
“Look, we can banter all day, but my opinion stays the same; I don’t like that fancy french place. The food tastes weird.”
“Ignorant bluster. That fanciful feast-”
“That’s a brand of cat food. Cat food tastes better than that crap.”
A very Blur edition of MUZAK
Muzak is still totally cancelled, but for today only, I'M BRINGING IT BACK! In honor of Blur's new album, The Magic Whip being the first new album they've made in over a decade.
Blog was dead for a little bit, but is alive and well now! Here are some things to be aware of:
-Format might change a little bit- might update some polls, links etc.
-Nintendo E-reader review coming up!
-An opinion piece on the new 3DS maybe?
-Some game recommendations- might add to bottom or side of page. - DONE
-HAIKUS! One a week. No promises for how long. Again, might be added to side or bottom of page, keep an eye out. -It's up now
-P.S. I won't do anymore re-translations stuff
That'll be it, if there's anything else you want to see or know, leave a comment or whatever.
-Format might change a little bit- might update some polls, links etc.
-Nintendo E-reader review coming up!
-An opinion piece on the new 3DS maybe?
-Some game recommendations- might add to bottom or side of page. - DONE
-HAIKUS! One a week. No promises for how long. Again, might be added to side or bottom of page, keep an eye out. -It's up now
-P.S. I won't do anymore re-translations stuff
That'll be it, if there's anything else you want to see or know, leave a comment or whatever.
Ramblings, twice translated.
After translating my ramblings to Spanish, I have now re translated them for your amusement. enjoy.
Yo, peoples of the internet. Did you ever think "hmm I want to read someones incoherent ramblings today."? If so, then see a doctor. If not, suffer through this! After writing so much depressing stuff for my class, I NEED to write some fluff. SPEAKING OF FLUFF, how about mummified lizards? So fluffy. So delicious. Truly the greatest dish of our day. Snails? Cow tongue? NO WAY! Give me a lizard who has been stuck inside a vacuum for a decade ANY DAY. Except Tuesdays. NEVER AGAIN. Moving on, I had spring break approximately a while ago, and I gots some stuff that is both topical and outdated to say about it! Spring really is the most schizophrenic season of then all. One day it's too hot, others it's too cold. It makes for a good reason to move to Antarctica. They don't even have spring. I think. DONT FACT CHECK ME. So, if you've gotten thru all this, I have one thing to say. ONLY I HAVE THE BRAINS TO RULE LYLAT. The end. OR IS IT?
Naw, it's the end. Go home already. If you are home, go outside. Just kidding. You'd melt. Unless you're ice cream, in which case you won't melt. Ice cream for president. Domo. I like babies. Sega saturn is best. Vote chibi robo for smash bros. The dress is actually green/pink. Everything you see is actually a virtual world created by my pinkie toe. The screen cleaning fluid on my desk looks like a smurf smoothie. What am I even saying anymore. Stop reading this. Nintendo e-reader review coming soon. Seriously tho, stop reading this. Hey you pikachu is greatest game of all time, second is pokemon channel. I never played donkey kong country. Everybody dies. EXCEPT FOR ME, YOU KNOW WHY? (Insert Albuquerque quote). Blur album coming soon. Buy it. Subliminal message. The end. Except not. But maybe. Who knows. Just stalling now. Homework is evil. Sea turtles.
Naw, it's the end. Go home already. If you are home, go outside. Just kidding. You'd melt. Unless you're ice cream, in which case you won't melt. Ice cream for president. Domo. I like babies. Sega saturn is best. Vote chibi robo for smash bros. The dress is actually green/pink. Everything you see is actually a virtual world created by my pinkie toe. The screen cleaning fluid on my desk looks like a smurf smoothie. What am I even saying anymore. Stop reading this. Nintendo e-reader review coming soon. Seriously tho, stop reading this. Hey you pikachu is greatest game of all time, second is pokemon channel. I never played donkey kong country. Everybody dies. EXCEPT FOR ME, YOU KNOW WHY? (Insert Albuquerque quote). Blur album coming soon. Buy it. Subliminal message. The end. Except not. But maybe. Who knows. Just stalling now. Homework is evil. Sea turtles.
Top 5 Gorillaz Songas
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"Gorillaz band photo" by Source (WP:NFCC#4). Licensed under Fair use via Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Gorillaz_band_photo.jpg#mediaviewer/File:Gorillaz_band_photo.jpg |
5: Rhinestone eyes: Here for that beat alone.
4: Tomorrow Comes Today: MMMM Damon Albarn. It was either this or Kids with guns. Or maybe Feel Good inc, but I felt it's rap verse was lacking compared to Clint Eastwood. And that laugh. Yeesh. If you want to be on my list, you gotta be the the best at something. Or at least really good in everything.
3:19-2000: Get the cool shoeshine. Soulchild remix might be better. Might.
2: Dirty Harry: All I want to do is dance. But really, this is my favorite rap verse (Well, Clint Eastwood...).
1: On melancholy hill: MMMMMMMMM IS SO GOOOOOOD
P.S. Blur is making a new album. It's coming out in April. BUY IT.
P.P.S. Gorillaz is making a new album for 2016. BUY IT TOO.
-Side note: some of the songs in the list got them some profanities. The main 5 don't... to my knowledge.
Card Game story
Side note- This was just a random offshoot, I'm not really sure where I was going with this. Don't ask questions about this one, I don't even know. After blood, this was a good change of pace.
The night was young, and the man across from me stared at me with a sort of burning ambition in his eyes. We had started a card game. I didn’t actually know how to play poker so the man suggested we play a simple game of war. We hadn’t been playing for too long before we realized our decks were at sort of an impasse.
Text dump- I mean, NEW STORY!
As a preface, this story be weird and depressing. That is all.
Daniel Hampton
I have run out of article ideas. *cries*. GIVE ME YOURS IN THE COMMENTS. And I probably won't do them, but still, it's the thought that counts. Here's a random picture to get your brain going.
The NEXT greatest video.
Sometimes you get a perfect video, like last time. And then, sometimes you get ANOTHER one. Yeah, this is a stopgap post BUT WHATEVER!
Video created by dathings1, so all rights to him and stuff.
Top 5 blur songs
It had to be done. To most(in america anyway) blur was simply a one hit wonder band, but that's really selling their discography short( and no, song 2 is not on this list).
5-Charmless Man: This song is pure mockery, AND I LOVE IT.
4-Trimm trabb: this IS the saving grace of 13, an album so steeped in emotion it drags immensely. This song is what makes it worth listening.
3-Out of time The stand out track from think tank, this song is just... pretty.
2- The universal: out of all the blur songs, this one is here purely by melody, as the whole setup is not ever fully realized. BUT THAT CHORUS.
1- Blue Jeans: It's been said before, but for what blur IS, this is the perfect blur song.
Go listen to all these songs, and the albums they come from. NOW.
5-Charmless Man: This song is pure mockery, AND I LOVE IT.
4-Trimm trabb: this IS the saving grace of 13, an album so steeped in emotion it drags immensely. This song is what makes it worth listening.
3-Out of time The stand out track from think tank, this song is just... pretty.
2- The universal: out of all the blur songs, this one is here purely by melody, as the whole setup is not ever fully realized. BUT THAT CHORUS.
1- Blue Jeans: It's been said before, but for what blur IS, this is the perfect blur song.
Go listen to all these songs, and the albums they come from. NOW.
Cool RPGs!
-Wild arms
This game is VERY dated visually, but it's still enjoyable to play. A unique element is the big emphasis on puzzle solving. Random encounters + hard puzzles = frustration...
This game is VERY dated visually, but it's still enjoyable to play. A unique element is the big emphasis on puzzle solving. Random encounters + hard puzzles = frustration...
Game Recommendations
I've left breakfast mess on the front page for a long time :/ Anyway, here is a new article- Game recommendations! This way I can write a bit about games I've played without writing a full review!
Smash Bros (Wii U)
- an obvious recommendation, it's pretty simple to see why I'd recommend it. It's a fun fighting game.
Virtue's Last reward-
-This game. This game is amazing! So many possible paths and great puzzles, it puts nearly everything else out there to shame! However, you'll only get the full experience if you play 999, the first in the planned trilogy first.
Gone Home-
-I honestly can't say why I recommend this without spoiling things, I will just say it's a great example of storytelling in a game.
Smash Bros (Wii U)
- an obvious recommendation, it's pretty simple to see why I'd recommend it. It's a fun fighting game.
Virtue's Last reward-
-This game. This game is amazing! So many possible paths and great puzzles, it puts nearly everything else out there to shame! However, you'll only get the full experience if you play 999, the first in the planned trilogy first.
Gone Home-
-I honestly can't say why I recommend this without spoiling things, I will just say it's a great example of storytelling in a game.
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